
Simplisafe Garage Door Sensor: Complete Security Guide

Simplisafe Garage Door Sensor

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Did you wish to know more about simplisafe garage door sensor? Yes, SimpliSafe currently does not have a roll-up garage door sensor.

However, entry sensors can be used on overhead garage doors to notify when a door or window is opened.

Without proper security, your garage can be a major vulnerability in your home’s protection.

I learned this the hard way when a thief broke into our garage and stole valuable items.

The incident shook my sense of safety in my own home. After dealing with the police and insurance, I researched how to better secure the garage. This led me to SimpliSafe’s home security systems.

In this post, I will explain how SimpliSafe’s sensors can reliably detect intruders and alert you to garage break-ins.

I’ll share tips on selecting the right sensors and optimal placement to provide robust garage security without false alarms.

Let continuing reading to learn how SimpliSafe can help safeguard your garage from theft and damage.

Here we go.

Why Your Garage Needs Security Sensors

The garage is one of the most common entry points for home break-ins.

With a large overhead door and often multiple side doors, garages offer plenty of access for thieves.

Valuables like tools, bicycles, and outdoor gear are commonly stored in garages as well, giving criminals incentive to force their way in.

Unfortunately many homeowners make the mistake of overlooking their garage when installing security systems.

Focusing defenses only on the main home leaves this major vulnerability unchecked.

Even if you have alarms on every window and door of your house, an unprotected garage provides an easy way for burglars to circumvent your security.

Fortunately SimpliSafe offers reliable, easy to install sensors that can provide robust protection for your garage.

SimpliSafe is one of the top DIY home security systems on the market today.

Their wide range of sensor options are designed to seamlessly work together to detect intruders and alert homeowners to break-in attempts.

In this post, I’ll give an overview of the advantages SimpliSafe sensors offer for garage security.

You’ll learn about the different types of sensors available and which are best suited for typical garage vulnerabilities.

I’ll provide tips on optimal placement for complete coverage without false alarms.

You’ll also see some alternative security options to use alongside SimpliSafe sensors for layered protection.

Here’s a quick outline of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Common threats that garage security needs to protect against
  • Overview of SimpliSafe sensor options ideal for garages
  • Pros that make SimpliSafe sensors effective for garage security
  • Placement tips for optimal sensor coverage
  • Alternative garage security options to use with SimpliSafe system
  • Conclusion summarizing key reasons to install SimpliSafe sensors

Security cameras and alarms on the home aren’t enough when gaps in coverage leave your garage exposed.

Keep reading to learn how SimpliSafe sensors can reliably detect and alert you to any unauthorized garage access attempts.

I’ll explain in depth how to select and position the right sensors to suit your garage’s unique size, doors, and entry points.

Soon you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your garage is secured against break-ins.

Typical Security Threats for Garages

Garages face several unique risks for intruders that security systems need to protect against.

The large overhead doors, multiple side entry doors, and abundance of potential hiding spots make garages susceptible to break-ins.

Here are some of the most common security threats garages face:

Intruders Entering Through Open Doors

It’s surprisingly common for homeowners to leave their garage doors open by mistake.

Whether you forgot to close it when leaving or just wanted to quickly run inside, an open garage door invites trouble.

Intruders can sneak inside without forcing any locks or making noise. Once in the garage, they have lots of time to steal items or attempt entering the main home.

Sensor systems like SimpliSafe can instantly detect the garage door opening and notify you right away.

This allows you to promptly close the door before an intruder spots the opportunity.

Sensors also continue monitoring the interior after closing to alert you if someone managed to slip inside.

Forced Entry Through Doors and Windows

Although garage doors are large, the materials and engineering used in modern overhead doors make them resistant to casual force.

But side doors on garages often use more lightweight construction. These doors, along with any windows, are vulnerable points for burglars to smash or kick their way inside.

SimpliSafe door and window sensors use industrial grade impact detection to spot break-in attempts.

When a burglar tries to bash or pry open a side door or window protected by a sensor, the system triggers an instant alarm.

This gives the criminal no time to gain entry and flee before authorities respond.

Going Undetected Without Alarm Sensors

Sneakier burglars may manage to pick side door locks or find an open window to slip into your garage quietly.

Without security sensors, they can then freely ransack your garage without detection. Hours could pass before you realize the theft.

SimpliSafe motion sensors placed strategically in the garage interior will spot these intruders immediately.

The alarm sounds as soon as movement is detected, frightening the burglar away before they can take anything.

The police also have a precise window of entry time to aid investigation and recovery of stolen goods.

SimpliSafe sensors are designed to detect all of these common garage break-in methods.

With complete coverage, you’ll get instant alerts to any unauthorized garage access attempts.

Keep reading to learn how to select and position SimpliSafe sensors to suit your unique garage layout and entry points.

SimpliSafe Sensor Options Ideal for Garages

SimpliSafe offers several types of sensors well suited for securing garages based on the entry points and risks involved.

Here is an overview of the main SimpliSafe sensors that can provide robust garage protection:

Door and Window Sensors

These compact sensors stick to doors and windows to detect any opening or vibration.

When installed on the frames of side garage doors and windows, they can instantly sense break-in attempts.

Door/window sensors use industrial grade contact and impact monitoring technology.

Any forced entry effort that moves the door or window even slightly triggers the alarm.

For garages, I recommend placing door/window sensors on every exterior access point. This covers all potential entry vulnerabilities.

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors use passive infrared technology to detect movement in the protected area.

SimpliSafe’s motion sensors allow sensitivity and range adjustments to avoid false alarms.

Properly positioned in the garage interior, motion sensors pick up any unexpected movement from intruders.

The alarm triggers immediately when the motion is detected.

Motion sensors are ideal for covering large open garage spaces that door/window sensors may miss.

I suggest using them in combination for complete coverage.

Glass Break Sensors

SimpliSafe’s acoustic glass break sensors listen for the unique sound profile of shattering glass.

Installing these on garage windows provides protection against intruders breaking the window to gain entry.

The alarm sounds instantly if the sensor detects glass breaking – giving the burglar no time to actually enter through the broken window.

Smoke/CO Detectors

Though not specifically for security, SimpliSafe’s smoke and carbon monoxide detectors provide important protection for your garage.

Fires and emission leaks are hazards garages face. Adding these sensors can prevent disaster.

Temperature Sensors

Extreme cold or heat in the garage can damage stored items like batteries and electronics.

SimpliSafe temperature sensors keep you aware of unsafe conditions before permanent harm occurs.

SimpliSafe makes it easy to combine multiple sensor types for layered garage protection.

Customizing the setup to your specific garage layout prevents any gaps in coverage.

Next, I’ll go over sensor placement tips to maximize security without false alarms.

Leveraging SimpliSafe’s Door/Window Sensors for Simplisafe Garage Door Sensor

SimpliSafe’s door/window sensors provide reliable protection for all exterior access doors on your garage.

Understanding how these compact sensors work and proper placement technique is key for maximum security.

Detecting Openings and Impacts

SimpliSafe designed its door/window sensors using industrial grade contact and vibration monitoring.

Two parts comprise the sensor – the detector that adheres to the fixed frame and the magnet that attaches to the moving door/window.

When properly aligned, these two sensor components exchange constant status updates.

If the door or window opens and breaks alignment, the alarm triggers instantly.

The detector also listens for vibration and impact to the frame. Attempted forced entry that moves or shakes the frame will also set off the alarm.

This allows immediate detection of break-in efforts.

Quick and Easy Installation

SimpliSafe door/window sensors use strong adhesives that attach firmly to surfaces. No screws, wires, or expertise is needed to install them.

You simply clean and dry the frame and door/window, then peel and stick the sensor components in place aligning with each other.

Press firmly for 30 seconds to secure the adhesive bond.

This ease of installation makes it simple to place sensors on every garage access door and window for full coverage.

No need to arrange professional monitoring service visits.

Monitoring Small Openings

Some security sensors only detect full door/window openings. But SimpliSafe’s detectors are sensitive enough to spot even slight movements.

If a burglar tries wedging a slim pry tool into the frame gap to pop the lock, the sensor picks up the minute vibration.

This prevents clever lock picking or partial opening attempts from going unnoticed.

No False Alarms

A key advantage of SimpliSafe’s door/window sensors is minimal false alarms. Shaking from nearby slams, weather vibrations, etc don’t trigger alerts.

The sensors use algorithms that filter out ambient environmental noise. Only clear access attempts sound the alarm.

Positioning door/window sensors on every garage access point takes just minutes but provides years of reliable break-in detection.

For full instructions on optimal placement, see the sensor positioning tips section further below.

How SimpliSafe Motion Sensors Provide Complete Garage Protection

Motion sensors are a key part of a robust garage security system. SimpliSafe’s motion detector models have adjustable sensitivity and range to provide customizable protection.

Motion Activated Alerts

SimpliSafe motion sensors use passive infrared technology to detect heat in motion.

The sensor projects a pattern of infrared energy into the protected area.

When an intruder passes through, their body heat briefly disrupts the pattern.

The sensor detects this disturbance and triggers the alarm instantly.

The alarm acts as both a deterrent to scare away intruders and prompt notification to homeowners.

It also provides an exact timeline of unauthorized garage entry for police investigations after the fact.

Adjustable Settings Prevent False Alarms

A major advantage of SimpliSafe’s motion sensors is customizable settings to reduce false alarms.

Homeowners can tweak the sensitivity and range based on garage layout.

Higher sensitivity picks up subtle motion from smaller pets or blowing debris that could trigger nuisance alerts.

For garages, lower sensitivity focuses only on human intruders.

Adjustable range lets you limit coverage to just the interior to avoid driveways and outside traffic. This further eliminates false alarms.

Ideal for Monitoring Large Garage Spaces

Motion sensors shine for large open floorplans like garage interiors. Door and window sensors only cover fixed access points.

But motion detectors provide blanket protection across the entire garage. There are no blindspots for sneaky intruders to hide and maneuver undetected.

Strategically angled motion sensors in opposite corners “see” the entire garage interior from all sides.

Paired with door/window sensors on entrances, the coverage is complete.

For two car garages, I recommend at least 2 motion sensors for full visibility. Larger garages may need additional units.

With SimpliSafe, customizing motion sensor placement and settings for your unique garage takes just minutes.

The peace of mind knowing your garage is fully secured is priceless.

How SimpliSafe Motion Sensors Provide Complete Garage Protection

Motion sensors are a key part of a robust garage security system. SimpliSafe’s motion detector models have adjustable sensitivity and range to provide customizable protection.

Motion Activated Alerts

SimpliSafe motion sensors use passive infrared technology to detect heat in motion.

The sensor projects a pattern of infrared energy into the protected area.

When an intruder passes through, their body heat briefly disrupts the pattern. The sensor detects this disturbance and triggers the alarm instantly.

The alarm acts as both a deterrent to scare away intruders and prompt notification to homeowners.

It also provides an exact timeline of unauthorized garage entry for police investigations after the fact.

Adjustable Settings Prevent False Alarms

A major advantage of SimpliSafe’s motion sensors is customizable settings to reduce false alarms.

Homeowners can tweak the sensitivity and range based on garage layout.

Higher sensitivity picks up subtle motion from smaller pets or blowing debris that could trigger nuisance alerts.

For garages, lower sensitivity focuses only on human intruders.

Adjustable range lets you limit coverage to just the interior to avoid driveways and outside traffic. This further eliminates false alarms.

Ideal for Monitoring Large Garage Spaces

Motion sensors shine for large open floorplans like garage interiors. Door and window sensors only cover fixed access points.

But motion detectors provide blanket protection across the entire garage. There are no blindspots for sneaky intruders to hide and maneuver undetected.

Strategically angled motion sensors in opposite corners “see” the entire garage interior from all sides.

Paired with door/window sensors on entrances, the coverage is complete.

For two car garages, I recommend at least 2 motion sensors for full visibility. Larger garages may need additional units.

With SimpliSafe, customizing motion sensor placement and settings for your unique garage takes just minutes.

The peace of mind knowing your garage is fully secured is priceless.

Complementary SimpliSafe Sensors to Complete Garage Protection

Besides entry sensors for doors, windows, and motion, SimpliSafe offers additional detector types that are useful for garage security. Integrating these sensors provides more complete protection.

Glass Break Sensors

Garage windows can be a vulnerable entry point for burglars. Unfortunately, glass is quick and quiet to smash open.

SimpliSafe’s glass break sensors use microphone technology to listen for the specific sound profile of shattering glass. When mounted nearby garage windows, these sensors detect the glass breaking instantly.

The alarm sounds the moment glass starts splintering before the burglar can actually enter. This deters them from completing the break-in.

Glass break sensors still permit window openings for ventilation. Only the unique sound of breaking glass triggers alerts.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Smoke and CO sensors are not specifically for burglary protection but are vital for garage safety.

The enclosed garage structure with possible car and chemical fumes poses fire and air toxicity risks.

SimpliSafe’s smoke and CO detectors provide an extra layer of protection.

I recommend placing smoke/CO sensors on the ceiling in at least two locations for complete garage coverage.

This provides warning to safely exit and call emergency responders promptly.

Water Sensors

Garages on ground floors are prone to flooding during heavy rains or water pipe leaks.

SimpliSafe water sensors placed on the floor alert you at first signs of water.

The alarm goes off when just a quarter inch of water is present. This permits quick action to prevent major damage and loss of valuables.

Temperature Sensors

Extreme temperatures in the garage can damage tools, vehicles, chemicals, batteries and other items. SimpliSafe temperature detectors keep you aware of unsafe cold or hot conditions.

The alarm triggers if temperatures go above 100°F or below 40°F so you can adjust ventilation or climate control to maintain safe storage conditions.

Layering these additional sensors with the core entry and motion detectors extends protection beyond just burglary. SimpliSafe makes integrating multiple sensor types easy for whole home style security.

Key Advantages of SimpliSafe Sensors for Robust Garage Security

SimpliSafe’s security sensors offer several notable benefits that make them ideal for protecting garages including:

Easy and Quick Self Installation

SimpliSafe designed their sensors for painless DIY installation without needing tools, wiring, or professional assistance.

Adhesive Mounting

Door, window, and motion sensors use strong peel and stick adhesive pads. No drilling, screws, or equipment needed – just attach the pads to clean surfaces.

Wireless Connectivity

The sensors connect wirelessly to the central SimpliSafe hub installed in your home. No wiring or complex connections required.

Simple Pairing

SimpliSafe sensors detect the hub automatically on power up. Just mount the sensor and it syncs within seconds.

This hassle-free process lets you deploy a full sensor suite in minutes. Convenient for scaling coverage as needed later too.

Reliable Detection Technology

SimpliSafe uses industrial grade sensor technology refined over years to balance precision and false alarm avoidance.

Contact Sensors

Magnetic contact sensors detect minute 1/32 inch door or window movements and vibration. No way to “sneak” past them.

Motion Sensors

Passive IR motion detectors finely tuned to identify human motion and body heat signatures specifically.

Algorithms Filter Noise

Environmental background noise and disturbances are filtered out by the sensor algorithms to prevent false triggers.

You get maximum sensitive intruder detection without frustrating false alarms.

Flexible and Expandable Configurations

SimpliSafe isn’t a rigid “one size fits all” system. You can customize and evolve protection as needed.

Mix and Match Sensor Types

Combine entry sensors, motion detectors, glass break sensors, smoke alarms etc tailored to your garage’s needs.

Adjust Settings Remotely

Tweak sensitivity, range, schedules, and more on the go through SimpliSafe’s mobile app without touching the hardware.

Scale Up Coverage

Adding more sensors is plug and play. Just mount extra units where needed and the system seamlessly incorporates them.

This flexibility ensures your system can grow and adapt over time as your needs change.

Optimal Sensor Placement for Maximum Garage Security

Proper sensor mounting locations are key for full security coverage without gaps. Here are best practice tips:

Door/Window Sensor Positioning

  • On frame 1-2 inches above or beside door/window to catch all opening activity
  • Avoid mounting on movable portions that may shift and disrupt alignment
  • For roll up doors, place vertically along fixed tracks to detect lifting
  • Align parallel to magnet for accurate 1/2 inch detection range

Motion Sensor Angles

  • Position in opposite corners facing inwards to crossover monitoring
  • Tilt angle down approximately 30 degrees to maximize range
  • Avoid aiming at windows/doors where exterior motion may false trigger
  • No obstructions in the sensor’s 110 degree detection angle

Mounting Height Tips

  • Door/window sensors at typical arm level about 60 inches high
  • Motion sensors 85+ inches high for best coverage area looking down
  • Glass break sensors at ear level by windows to best hear shattering

Following these guidelines tailored to each sensor’s capabilities ensures intruders have nowhere to hide from detection inside your garage.

Alternative Garage Security Options to Use with SimpliSafe

While sensors provide comprehensive interior protection, exterior barriers and surveillance can augment security.

Entry Control Keypads

Keypads providing gated access to the garage exterior add a layer of access control. This prevents unwanted visitors from getting near doors and windows.

But keypads alone fail to detect break-ins if codes are compromised. Sensors are still vital for interior monitoring.

Security Cameras

External cameras give visibility to all sides of the garage perimeters. This helps identify any suspicious activity in the vicinity.

Interior cameras allow remote monitoring and recording if break-ins occur. Footage aids police investigations.

But cameras alone don’t actively alert homeowners to real-time unauthorized garage access like sensors.

Audible Alarms

Loud sirens triggered by sensors deter intruders from completing break-in attempts once inside.

Most opt to flee rather than continue and risk attracting attention.

Sirens alert homeowners to activity when paired with sensors. Sirens alone are less effective without detection sensors.

Evaluate your specific garage’s vulnerabilities and storage value when selecting additional security layers beyond core sensors.

In summary, SimpliSafe’s sensors paired with supplemental access barriers provide robust garage protection.

Proper placement tailored to garage entry points and interior spaces prevents blindspots.

Frequently Asked Questions About Securing Your Garage with SimpliSafe Sensors

Can You Put A SimpliSafe Sensor On Garage Door?

Yes, SimpliSafe’s contact sensors are designed to mount on garage doors and frames. They detect opening and impact vibration attempts.

For roll up doors, place vertically on tracks. On swing doors, position sensors along the top edge.

SimpliSafe sensors are weatherproof and work on all standard garage door materials.

Does SimpliSafe Have Smart Garage Integration?

SimpliSafe doesn’t currently integrate with smart garage door openers.

But you can use a smart garage hub to trigger SimpliSafe activity automations when the garage opens. This reminds you to arm the system if forgetting to close the door.

Can You Use Any Sensor With Garage Door Openers?

No, only use sensors designed for garage doors with safety auto-reverse capability.

Otherwise the door may damage objects or people without reversing. SimpliSafe’s contact sensors are not meant for use directly with garage door opener systems.

Is There a Dedicated Garage Door Sensor?

SimpliSafe does not offer a single specialized garage door sensor. But its entry sensor, motion sensor and siren lineup provides comprehensive garage protection.

The key is properly positioning multiple sensor types for full coverage.

Should You Put Alarm Sensor On Garage Doors?

Yes, garage door access points, both roll up and swing doors, must be protected with contact sensors.

This detects any unauthorized opening attempts. But supplement garage door sensors with motion detectors to cover the entire interior space.

Where Do You Place Door Sensors on Garage Doors?

On roll up doors, position the sensor vertically along the fixed side tracks. For swing doors, adhere the sensor along the top edge of the door at the peak swing point.

Always keep the sensor under 2 feet from the magnet for best performance.

Which Sensor Type is Best For Garages?

SimpliSafe’s entry sensors are critical for garage doors and windows. But motion sensors are ideal for broad interior protection.

The combination of entry sensors and motion detectors positioned properly provides complete garage security.

How Can You Burglar-Proof Garage Doors?

Layered protection works best. Install SimpliSafe contact sensors on all exterior garage access doors. Add interior motion detectors to catch intruders who do get inside.

For doors, use high strength deadbolt locks resistant to bumping attacks. And make sure the electronic garage door opener is password protected against hacking attempts.

Do Garage Door Sensors Need To Be At The Bottom?

No, placing sensors low risks damage from vehicles. Mount entry sensors up high on frames and tracks.

Supplement with motion detectors aimed down from 8 feet or higher for complete low-to-high coverage.

How Can I Protect Garage With SimpliSafe?

Use SimpliSafe’s entry, motion and glass break sensors. Position door/window sensors on all exterior access points.

Add motion detectors to monitor interior spaces and glass break sensors by windows. Optional flood/temperature sensors also help.

Proper sensor placement tailored to your specific garage layout prevents vulnerabilities.

Do SimpliSafe Sensors Work Without WiFi?

Yes, SimpliSafe sensors use direct long range wireless communication to the base station. They do not rely on WiFi connectivity.

However, WiFi is needed for remote control/monitoring through SimpliSafe’s mobile app.

What is the Maximum Range For SimpliSafe Sensors?

SimpliSafe sensors have an effective range of 500 feet direct line of sight from the base station.

This covers even large multi-room homes. Place the base centrally in your home to maximize sensor range to the garage. One base station supports dozens of sensors.

How Many Sensors Can Work With SimpliSafe System?

SimpliSafe supports up to 61 wireless sensors split between entry, motion, smoke, glass break, flood, temperature, etc.

This capacity handles even large homes with extensive coverage. You can add sensors incrementally as needed.

What is a Smart Garage Door Hub?

A smart garage hub retrofits to your existing opener to enable app control, automation, notifications and voice assistants.

This lets you integrate garage activity with SimpliSafe and other smart devices. But SimpliSafe sensors are still needed to secure the physical garage space against intruders.

Proper planning tailored to your unique garage layout and storage needs is key for maximizing SimpliSafe’s sensors capabilities.

Positioning and layering multiple sensor types provides robust protection without gaps.


Securing your garage against break-ins is critical to protect your home’s safety.

SimpliSafe provides reliable sensor options specialized for garage vulnerabilities.

With proper placement of entry sensors on all exterior doors supplemented by motion detectors for broad interior coverage, your garage is fully protected.

Remember to tailor the locations and settings to your specific garage layout and storage needs.

Installing a robust SimpliSafe sensor system tailored for your garage prevents thefts and property damage from intruders. Don’t overlook your garage when installing home security – leverage SimpliSafe sensors for complete coverage.

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